Zotero Database

Zotero Database
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The main library is divided up into 16 categories/subfolders based on the type of critique or focus they offer. Individual articles can & do belong to multiple categories. All tags on articles are automatically generated and do not reflect the author’s view. A tag cleanup is a planned improvement on the database, but it involves more work than is possible right now—volunteers welcomed!
- _ToEval: A folder of material that has not yet been evaluated for inclusion in one of the below categories.
- Broad/Multiple Critiques: Articles that offer multiple critiques of library cataloging/classification/metadata schemes. Often focused on LCC, LSCH, or DDC.
- Case Studies: The newest category; meant to serve as a repository for case studies
- Disability: Articles that take up disability as their central loci of focus
- Equity Equality Ethics Social Justice Generally: Articles that focus or claim to focus primarily on Ethics, Equality, Equity, or Social Justice.
- Ethical Codes: A collection of professional organization ethical codes or guidelines.
- Gender & Sex: Articles that focus specifically on Gender and (biological) Sex. I am considering combining this category with the Queer category below to make a Gender, Sex, and Sexuality category; feedback welcomed on this.
- Historical Context & Reviews: Articles that use a historical lens to analyze catalog/ing and/or classification, or articles that are literature reviews of the field.
- Indigenous: Articles that primarily take up First Nations, Aboriginal, Native American or other Indigenous topics.
- Library Statements: This section is largely credit to Violet Fox’s efforts at the Cataloging Lab to collect statements on bias in library and archives description:
- Metadata Departments Mission Statements: This section is largely credit to Violet Fox’s efforts at the Cataloging Lab to collect Metadata Library Mission Statements:
- Others (Immigration, Politics, Religion & More) and Non-English: Articles that take up topics related to additional topics not covered above, including those that focus on non-English languages.
- Other GLAMS-Archives: Articles that focus specifically on Archives. New category that needs to be built out more.
- Other GLAMS-Museums: Articles that focus specifically on Museums/Galleries. New category that needs to be built out more.
- Other Bibliographies: A list of bibliographies focusing on this topic or related ones. Work in progress.
- Queer: Articles that focus specifically on LGBTQIA2S+ Topics. I am considering combining this category with the Gender & Sex category above to make a Gender, Sex, and Sexuality category; feedback welcomed on this.
- Race: Articles that primarily focus on issues of race and cataloging & classification.
- Strategies: Articles that offer strategies for ameiloriating bias, ideas on how to move forward, and so on.
Bibliography Preview
The automatically-generated preview of the Zotero library provided by BibBase is below. It may take a moment to fully load.