Origins, Citations, & More

This resource would not exist if it were not for the following individuals, resources, and communities, who I am very grateful to/wards:
The folks that I am the most indebeted to are those who introduced me to these conversations:
Emily Drabinski, whose article Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction initally introduced me to this work and ideas.
- Emily’s article on Teaching the Radical Catalog is a fantastic resource.
Deidre Thompson and Treshani Perera’s webinar: incorporating critical cataloging into your work. Treshani also compiled the first version of critlib’s critical cataloging bibliography (see below).
Amber Billey for her creation of the #critcat hastag, and her brilliant writing and work in this area.
Other (re)sources found along the way:
Violet B. Fox was and is responsible for a great deal of work, resources, and community-bulding, especially on twitter @ #critcat. I am indebeted towards her work and resources, of which this is a small selection (see more in the Zotero database)
- The Cataloging Lab is a vital source of information and collaboration.
- The earliest public document that I am aware of, was the VRA | EAC Community Hour on Critical Cataloging from June of 2020. It was initially compiled by Devon Murphy, Kendra Werst, Lael Ensor-Bennett and had additional contributions from other VRA Community members
- The critcat | critlib resource guide initially compiled by Treshani Perera and updated by Violet B. Fox, is intended to be “a valuable starting point to learn more about the ethics of library cataloging and classification. I was unaware of this resouce when this site was created and am thankful to Violet for pointing it out.
S.E. “Shack” Hackney: Classification systems and critical cataloging |
Alissa’s blog under the topic: critical cataloguing – Cataloguing the Universe
American University’s Critical Cataloging and Classification - Antiracist Praxis
Karen Snow’s Cataloging Ethics Bibliography
LibrariesResist’s Cataloging, Metadata, Collecting, and Acquisition Bibliography
Cambridge Librarian’s Bibliography for cataloguing and classification – Decolonising through critical librarianship
Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia Anti-racist Description Resources
Added 2022-06-30: The resources in the Social Justice in Cataloging Annotated Bibliography by Jeremy Berg, University of North Texas, Cathy Chapman, Saint Martin’s University, Gretchen Neidhardt, Chicago History Museum, Stephanie Porrata, The Ohio State University, Jennifer Young, Northwestern University, Eric Willey, Illinois State University.